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Bringing spring, Swaying in your ears

Premium Seasonal Collection of Spring



☆ 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 ☆

・Also known as Cherry Blossom, are a type of flower that generally and widely grown in Japan regions

・A new start of the year; symbolizing Spring

・Floral Languages of Maturity, Feminism & Purity

・Our Sakura Earrings has made with these particular flowers as a main concept, with a little decorations of pearl beads to help you enjoy and feel more of the Warm Spring Seasons.


*Add $2 changing to Clip-On earrings

*Add Up to $2 including your personal initials

桜 SAKURA Earrings

Base Color
  • Can't find your favourite colour and design styles from the photos? 

    Let us know your requests and interests through our email 

  • コーテイング加工を施しておりますが、雨天時のご使用はお勧め致しません。 (Though the item has been done with coating, it is not 100% waterproof, which we do not recommend the usages in rainy weather.)

    基本的に一点もので非常に繊細なアクセサリーですので、取り扱いには十分ご注意ください。(The item is very delicate and fragile, please handle them with extra care in your possessions.)

    折り紙の使用箇所によって出てくる模様が写真のものと異なる場合がありますがご了承ください。(Please note that the details of patterns and colour may appear differently from the photos)

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